Invisalign is an alternative to metal braces that are series of removable aligners made of silicone to straighten teeth and rectify the dental issues that can be fixed by metal braces like crowding and biting(common in child’s lifespan). They are made of a flexible polymer that fits over teethes of yours to adjust the position, the trays are worn 24/7 by the patient, except when eating, drinking, or brushing teeth.Dentists in Garden Grovesuggest that the treatment ranges from 6-12 months, depending on the severity. This treatment is most popular with adults who had braces when they were younger and didn’t wear a retainer to keep their teeth from moving. It’s going popular in Garden Grove and Huntington Beach
1. Invisalign is less noticeable than wire running through your teeth, it usually takes less time.
2. After seeing prediction results of your tooth movement and results are a strong motivator to stick with your plan.
3. You’ll be able to eat whatever you want and brush normally.
• It takes a real commitment to wear the casts formost of the day and night.
• If you’re drinking liquids, you’ll have to remove the cast before eating or drinking anything and put them back immediately.
• The treatment can be labelled uncomfortable, especially during those first few days.
What happens during Invisalign treatment?
Your children dentist in Garden Grove would digitally scan your teeth, and create a custom treatment plan, and would show you an animated progress of your new smile in making. Your custom casts are 3-D printed and are mailed to your doctor’s office in Garden Grove, Huntington Beach and Anaheimwithin a few days.
1. Invisalign is less noticeable than wire running through your teeth, it usually takes less time.
2. After seeing prediction results of your tooth movement and results are a strong motivator to stick with your plan.
3. You’ll be able to eat whatever you want and brush normally.
• It takes a real commitment to wear the casts formost of the day and night.
• If you’re drinking liquids, you’ll have to remove the cast before eating or drinking anything and put them back immediately.
• The treatment can be labelled uncomfortable, especially during those first few days.
What happens during Invisalign treatment?
Your children dentist in Garden Grove would digitally scan your teeth, and create a custom treatment plan, and would show you an animated progress of your new smile in making. Your custom casts are 3-D printed and are mailed to your doctor’s office in Garden Grove, Huntington Beach and Anaheimwithin a few days.